Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Lying in bed last night I picked up a book written by Bernie Goldberg, Crazies to the Left of Me, Wimps to the Right. If you're not familiar with Goldberg he is a former newsman who for many years was employed by CBS. He first gained fame by writing a very successful book titled, Bias. It was so popular it most likely got him fired from CBS. If not fired, then surely blacklisted. The book detailed how the media favors the Democrats and does everything possible to put Republicans and conservatives in a bad light. Getting back to my bedtime reading, Goldberg recalled listening to Rush Limbaugh and a caller, Bill, came on the radio and said he's had it with SNAG's. Rush was clueless so Bill explained that SNAG is an acronym for Sensitive New-Age Geeks. SNAG's are men who end sentences with an upward inflection. This is an indication of uncertainty and insecurity.
Now, I know some of you are going to call me a trouble maker for this but listen to the President-elect and tell me he isn't, for lack of a better word, a SNAG. It is something I noticed right after I heard about what a fantastic speaker he is supposed to be; mesmerizing, I believe, was the word. I repeat. I did not come up with the acronym. It was Bill and he was on Rush's show and it was a long time ago, even before "O" was considered a Messiah.

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