Saturday, November 28, 2009

Corrruption, Contempt And Arrogance

I don't normally blog such long letters but Col. Donald Myers, a frequent contributor to Hernando Today in Tampa, Florida expresses what should be read by all. This is common sense. Again I ask, "what in hell is going on in this country"? The Colonel has included his personal e-mail if anyone wants to give him a thumbs up or otherwise. =================

"The American people consistently tell Congress and the administration they want the excessive spending to stop, government health care not to happen, listen to us, and corruption to be ferreted out. What we have received in return is proposed higher taxes, more corruption, we know better than you, and more spending. There is little doubt these people simply do not listen and could care less about listening to the voters.
We now see out in the open the corruption exhibited by elected officials. Sen. Mary L. Landrieu (D-La.) sold her vote for the Senate health care bill for $300 million and bragged about it. She was asked if she was given $100 million for her state and her vote. She responded she was given $300 million and was proud of it. That particular vote was needed in order for the bill to proceed to debate by the full senate. Many Democratic senators are saying although they voted to continue with the bill, they will not vote for the current bill unless it is changed to their position.
The way I interpret that is, since Sen. Landrieu got such a great deal, the leadership must give me a similar deal for my vote. What makes this even more amazing is the number of people involved with politics who state this is the norm and it shows how deals are truly cut in congress and the White House. It looks more like the mafia to me. Are we such fools as to think bills should be for the general welfare of the nation and not the few or special?
It reminds me of the old joke about prostitution: A man asks a woman if she would go to bed with him for a million dollars and she says yes. He then asks if she would go to bed with him for $20 and she replies, "What do you think I am, a whore?" He replies, we have already determined that, now we are haggling over the price. If the shoe fits, wear it.
Last week we learned a whistle blower released thousands of e-mails from The Climate Research Unit and the Hadley Center concerning climate change (Global Warming.) These are two of the major units pushing the theory and convincing millions that man is causing the earth to warm and man must do drastic things to change it. Several of the key individuals in this area such as Phil Jones and Michael Mann are exposed in these e-mails. Manipulating data, preventing responses to Freedom of Information inquiries, and blackballing anyone with views that do not agree with the premise of warming are all described. DUH!! These show it is all a huge hoax and yet our media has said nothing while our president announced he will attend the summit in Copenhagen concerning the issue of global warming early next month and push for agreement to reduce a threat that does not exist. Our House of Representatives recently passed the Cap and Trade Bill that is based primarily of the theory of global warming and will do irreparable harm to our economy. This is another "crisis" we must deal with immediately so say those who support it. I am tired of all these crises that will not allow us to ponder and debate before we act.
We now have the Russians, French, Chinese and Germans lecturing us about spending and how to run a country. While that is happening, the North Koreans, Iranians and Venezuelans are lecturing us about other topics. The entire time, our president tours the world bowing and apologizing for the country because it is not perfect. What is wrong with this picture?
We remain the most innovative and productive nation in the history of the world, but the current administration and congress are working diligently to insure the USA of the future will merely be just another nation in a world of nations. Listen to what the leaders of these organizations are saying and it leaves little doubt they believe we are just one of many and not a special country.
If they are successful, we will become just another nation among many, but I do not believe that and millions of other Americans also do not believe it. We are special because of our freedom and drive and we will not allow that to be taken from us by an elite few who are totally out of touch with the true America and its people."
Donald J. Myers, a retired colonel in the U.S. Marine Corps, is a regular columnist for Hernando Today. He lives in Spring Hill and can be contacted at

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