Thursday, August 19, 2010

MJ Hawkeye Can Help The Prez

Barack Obama can raise his popularity in ten seconds if he would only listen to me.
Before I retired in 2007 I had the best job ever working for the best boss and company in the world. I was a regional sales manager that provided a very necessary product to keep industrial bearings clean of contamination. In other words, I was a peddler.
One of my major clients was Mead Paper located in Chillicothe, Ohio. Among other things they produced Big Chief Paper. If you recall you probably used it in elementary school; yellow paper with a horizontal light blue line and a picture of an Indian on the front with headress. Do you remember your teacher saying, "stay between the lines, boys and girls"? Well, the Big Chief was produced on one paper roll and, every day, it made enough paper to stretch from Chillicothe to St. Louis Missouri; 440 miles. My company supplied the product on that paper shaft to make absolutely certain the bearings functioned properly. It seems like when something does go wrong in industry it's in the middle of the night then all hell breaks loose.
My wife and I have a get away on a lake in northern Minnesota. I'd take my two weeks vacation up there. Even though it was supposed to be a 'restful' time for me it seems as though I was constantly getting customer phone calls about this, that and the other thing. Understand, please, when something doesn't go the right way in industry those people could care less if I have a walleye on the end of my lure or not. If the Big Chief went down those paper people want action---and fast.
President Obama could do the same thing and the American people would see him in a new light. Go ahead, Barry, send Michelle and the kids to Martha's Vinyard. Folks, my suggestion is so simple it's brilliant. Have the Prez get on TV and tell us, "Fellow citizens, there are too many problems in this country that need to be addressed. The time for action is now and because of this I need to stay in Washington to get the job done".
It worked for Clinton. In the spring of 1993, while vacationing in Hawaii(remember the photo of him in the water looking like Orca?) there were massive floods in Iowa. Bubba cut short the vacation and went to the Hawkeye State to show his concern. Voila! His poll numbers went up dramatically. It was a positive for the perv and it can work for Barry, too.

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