Thursday, July 19, 2012

Fred Willard Exposed

You know the 78 year old Fred Willard. He's a movie star and has been in all the TV shows. His talents are that of a comedian but there wasn't anything funny about his arrest in a porn theater last evening. An officer was called to the movie establishment and caught Willard holding a nearly dead weapon. Ya' gotta give the gent a lot of credit for trying. As George Burns once said, "Having sex at my age(90) is like playing pool with a rope". Willard's might be a little firmer than a rope but it's what  a seasoned hooker might call semi-flaccid.
As for Fred's wife, Mary, who he married in 1972, there was no comment.
The only reason I put this in as a post is as a warning. For God's sake, if you're over 75 stay out of porn shows. And keep your zipper up, too.

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