Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Our Nation Is Disintegrating

September 12, 2012: Maybe it's a good thing that my computer is in the shop for repair and in order to vent a trip to the library is a mandatory. I made a quick trip out to Kansas on Saturday and returned yesterday. I'm fuming. Our state department officials are being murdered and our embassies attacked. An embassy located on foreign soil is the same as being in the USA. It's despicable. And what does our great leader do about it? He apologizes to the Muslim Brotherhood. He threw Hosni Mubarak under the bus and supported this group of anti-American terrorists. This was all precipitated because some ultra-right wing whack job religious leader from Florida made a movie about Mohammed. I listened to tapes from the film on my car radio. It sounds like something Harry Nicholson, Dick Musser and I would have put together for a 10th grade high school English class. A Coptic Christian in Egypt put it on Facebook and the murdering terrorists felt the need to attack embassy. Then Obama felt it necessary to exert world leadership and sent an apology to these camel jockeys. After that the violence spread to Libya. Tunisia then Libya instigated in the Arab Spring movement and now we have at least four dead State Department officials. In addition, Obama canceled a meeting with Israeli leader, Benjamin Netanyahu, because he was too busy to fit him in on his schedule. He wasn't too busy to campaign and schedule an appearance on an upcoming Letterman Show. As long as we're on the subject of being inept, what was the deal with Biden at Shanksville, Pennsylvania giving a tribute to the 9/11 dead? He called it a 'bittersweet' moment. What the hell was 'sweet' about that day? We're being run by idiots. And the worst is yet to come, I believe. John Thune, senator from South Dakota was on Fox last night telling us Moody's is probably going to downgrade our credit rating. Folks, hang onto you hats and get down on your knees and pray. The world is imploding right before our eyes.

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