Saturday, November 2, 2013

Stick A Fork In Him: He's Done

Reading anything from The American Thinker is good for the soul. Reading about the failure of this president and his inane policies makes my coffee taste better. It's a fun read:

"Ronald Reagan gave us 25 years of prosperity and freedom.  It's high time we fight to get that back.  Before the last election, I told friends that if Barack Obama won reelection, his second term would destroy the Democratic Party and progressivism for a generation.  By the end of his reign, Americans are going to be so tired and soured on Obama, his anointed successor will not stand a chance of becoming the nation's next president.
Barack Obama has become a leader who does not matter -- the stimulus was all Pelosi and ObamaCare was Pelosi and Harry Reid, et al.  What idea was ever his?  Can he point to one thing where he was deeply involved?  He has been our golfing president.  He is so incompetent and uninvolved that it is believable that he did not know the problems with, the integral component of ObamaCare, a program he proudly put his name to. 
Well...after the IRS targeting of political opponents, the NSA spying on everyone -- including the tapping of the German Chancellor's cell phone, the Fast and Furious dead, Solyndra and all the other crony capitalist backroom deals, the Pigford payouts, his $6 trillion addition to the national debt, the 13.6% U6 unemployment rate, the increase in food stamp and disability rolls, the Benghazi dead and the cover-up, the Syria embarrassment, the racial divisiveness, the doubling of the price of gasoline, and now,, people are starting to realize a thing or two about Mr. Hope and Change".

Read more:

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