Monday, June 15, 2015

Out Damn'd Spot

Sometimes, when reading an article of interest the author doesn't include who, what, when, where, why and how. It's irritating because this is the first rule of good journalism. That's what Mr. Schaeffer told us in our high school journalism class.

I read a story today about a high school teacher(no name) at a high school(no name) in Sacramento. I'm assuming it was in California but the state wasn't listed either.

Here's the gist of the story. This unnamed teacher decided her students shouldn't have to read Shakespeare because he's a white guy. In other words, some cluck from the 1500's was a recipient of white privilege and that's the reason he became famous.

I've slept though many Shakespearean classes and I understand what this teacher is trying to say. Instead of hearing "Et tu Brute" or "Out Damn'd Spot" is she suggesting her students say, "Yo Mama, wus happenin' with the King of Scotland, Ho? Whatever it takes, I guess.

"Hey, it's a lot better than having to slug through the Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner.

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