Monday, June 20, 2016

'Crisis Of Character'

Team Hillary is working overtime to block former Secret Service officer Gary Byrne from appearing on ANY broadcast network, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

Byrne is set to reveal what he observed inside the White House while protecting the First Family in the 1990s.

'What I saw sickened me,' Byrne explains. 'I want you to hear my story.'

Byrne paints a picture of Hillary as a deranged madwoman running interference on Bill's sexploits.
The book 'CRISIS OF CHARACTER' is finally set for release next Monday. It has already became the top seller at AMAZON for the month of June.

And now Clinton's circle is preparing to hit back hard!

POLITICO plans an early morning attack on Byrne's credibility, sources claim, despite his having served in federal law enforcement for nearly thirty years.

Meanwhile, Hillary's campaign has won assurances that he will not be invited to spread 'lies' on any of the nation's broadcast networks.

'It's trash for cash,' a campaign official warned one producer.

FOXNEWS 'HANNITY' will have the first exclusive for cable news, DRUDGE has learned.

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