Monday, November 28, 2016

Is Obama Responsible For The Ohio State Terrorist Attack

The big question from pundits all day was, is this a terrorist attack? I don't know. If anyone bothered to ask those stabbed they might say they were terrified. There ya' go.

Regardless, I want play the blame game so continue reading from the UK Daily Mail:

The Obama administration resettled 8,858 Somali refugees in the United States last year, and nearly 43.000 during Obama´s eight years, a huge number that is now raising concerns after a Somali refugee led a one-man attack spree on the campus of Ohio State. 

'The Obama administration resettled 8,858 Somali refugees in the United States last year, and nearly 43.000 during Obama´s eight years, a huge number that is now raising concerns after a Somali refugee led a one-man attack spree on the campus of Ohio State'. 

Since I happen to live in a Columbus suburb I can attest to the fact that we've had many Somalians who have gone over to the side of ISIS. Look out Minneapolis. We might just overtake you.

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