Bert Parks must be rolling in his grave. I'd like to see the group now in charge. Bet you a dollar to a doughnut they're long lost relatives of Carry Nation, the hatchet-wielding saloon smasher from the late 19th and early 20th Century.
We old-timers remember when the pageant was a big deal and was carried on one of the mainstream channels. I recall we Iowans got all giddy when Carol Morris from Ottumwa was the winner in '56. If you don't think you've heard of Ottumwa then think Radar O'Reilly from M.A.S.H. This happens to me constantly when I mention Ottumwa.
It seems to me anyone from north of the Mason-Dixon line who was declared America's sweetheart, the girl we all wanted for our sister, wife, daughter, girlfriend was a rarity. Usually the winner hailed from Alabama or Texas and was blessed with that syrupy southern drawl.
Anyway, you won't be missing much with the new format. I think the 'Beauty Contest' is now being shown on either HGTV or CMT TV. Who knows. It might even be available on the Sci Fi channel.
Nobody cares about these lovely beautifies. What a shame. It's one more great American tradition in the crapper. I miss the old days.
Adios and Farewell
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