Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Observations From January 1, 2020

Are you an even numbered or odd person when it comes to years? I happen to be even; don't know why. It's just the way it is.

There were a couple of commercials running over the Christmas season that intrigued me. One was for Jimmy Dean's Pure Pork Sausage. When I first watched it I asked the Queen, "Isn't this guy dead"? Turns out he's been a distant memory of twenty years. I think his company would sell a lot more goods if the commercial said, "Hi, I'm Jimmy Dean. I might be dead but my sausage still tastes good". Truth in advertising don't ya' know.

Yesterday I was looking at the programming for New Year's Eve. Lo and behold I saw a show called, 'Dick Clark's Rockin' New Years Eve". Same story as Jimmy Dean unless Clark has a link to Jesus and Lazarus.

One more I never considered and evidently it's commonplace. At the exact moment of midnight to welcome in the year people go outside and shoot guns in the air. What's the thrill? My suspicion is it's alcohol fueled. Last night in Phoenix a woman died from an errant bullet.

Speaking of died, two days ago I saw an article on the #1 cause for deaths in the world in 2019. Go ahead. Take a guess. Would it be cancer, war? If you said abortions you'd be correct to the tune of 45.6 million.

I've been thinking I need to get involved in a program where I donate my time this year. Ten years ago I volunteered at a home for the elderly with memory problems. I'd get close to these people, they'd die then I'd go into a funk so I stopped.

This year I'm going to volunteer at a dog shelter, specifically one that doesn't put the animals down.
This, too, might create a problem. Charlie may be having six or seven new brothers and sisters.

Everybody knows Christmas is for kids. Truth be told every holiday is for kids. Halloween is for kids except for adults who party. Can you imagine an adult dressing in a costume then going door to door for candy? He'd have cuffs on him before you could say Snickers bar.

Easter is for kids, too. Oh, it used to be in celebration of Christ's resurrection. The Easter Bunny has taken over.

Obviously, weddings are for kids, their friends and people under 50. The next time you attend one notice where the octogenarians sit. It'll be surrounding card tables in the corner of the hall, outta sight and outta mind.

I emailed a friend this morning looking forward to November when the election is completed. Then we can wait two months and have to start listening to the ramblings of the worthless boobs who want to destroy our lives in the elections of '22.

Adios amigos.

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