Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Memorial--Hardly

Right off the bat let it be stated that I did not watch last night's 'memorial'. It is impossible for me to watch Obama without having a visual impression of the president looking like Benito Mussolini, jaw tilted upward, as he prepared to invade Ethiopia. The visual is of a pompous jerk. Preferably, the news of the event will be given to me by reading and listening to the media I prefer.

A correction is needed. I did happen to catch the opening ceremony. What was the deal with Chief Thunderthud leading the 'congregation' in prayer? Listening to Quinn and Rose in the Morning radio show they stated there were fifty-two ovations during the ceremony. Pardon me! Sounds as though it was one giant pep rally. Good Gosh Almighty, there were commemorative t-shirts given away to the crowd. Idiots!

Do me a favor. If you happen to be around when I die this is what I want: the visitation should take place in the back of the church two hours before my funeral Mass, a homily from the priest, hopefully my children or grandchildren will be present and one of them will have a nice thing to say about me. I'd like a long time friend to tell a funny story or two. Always leave 'em laughin', right? Then the hearse will take me to the cemetery, the priest will say a couple more prayers and as soon as everyone departs drop me in the ground.

I've always prayed that I die on a Monday or Tuesday so I don't screw up people's week-end. You'll notice there have been no calls for hip-hip-hoorays and cheers to celebrate the adulation family and friends felt toward me(in my own mind). There have been occasions when mourners have retired to the local pub. Go ahead but keep it somber til' you order that first mug of brew.

It's difficult to recall all the funerals of politicians or memorials through the years I've witnessed. Correct me if I'm wrong but when the Liberals are in charge doesn't it seem like they ARE pep rallies? Who can forget the Paul Wellstone 'memorial' in St. Paul after he died in a plane crash. Here's the result of that one: Sen. Tom Harkin of Iowa made such a fool of himself that his exhortations of "do it for Paul" guaranteed the election of Norm Coleman as senator from Minnesota. It also must be stated that Republican congressman were harassed so badly they had to get up and leave.

What is it with these folks that tragedy turns into something political? I went back through the archives and looked up the Challenger tragedy of 1986. Ronald Reagan was President and, only conservatives will understand this: His speech was one of decorum, respect for the departed and lasted four minutes! Obama spoke for thirty-five. And what was the main message given: It centered around civil discourse which had absolutely nothing to do with the murders of American citizens in Tuscon, Arizona.

Liberals: pathetic, political and ridiculous.

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