Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Who's Your Daddy

Conspiracy theories make the world go round. I read a beaut last night saying Obama's real daddy was Frank Marshall Davis, his communist mentor from the Hawaii days. Hey, the timeline fits so let's go with it. I like that Davis's name is coming up frequently. He's a commie through and through; just like his, oh say it MJ, his son.
Enjoy this intro into the real story of Commissar Davis. It's a dandy.

He blasted Wall Street, big business, big banks, big oil, "excess profits," "corporate profits" and "fat contracts," "millionaires" and the "wealthy."
He called out the "corporation executive" for not paying his "fair" share.
He attacked "GOP" tax cuts that "spare the rich" and "benefit millionaires."
He trumpeted the public sector over the private sector.
He advocated wealth redistribution from greedy "corporations" to "health insurance" and "public works projects."
He favored taxpayer-funding of universal health care. He supported government stimulus to rescue America from (allegedly) another Great Depression.
He wanted to rid America of "huge funds" finding their way into the "pockets" of "Wall Street." "Instead," he declared, "money should be spent for the benefit of the people instead of the corporations."
He supported nationalization and singled out General Motors for government action.
He favored the Russians at the expense of countries like Poland and Czechoslovakia.
He rejected Winston Churchill, and wanted the heralded prime minister nowhere within the White House.
He insisted that American foreign policy was about "big profits" for big oil.
He cited the American Founders and the U.S. Constitution, and described himself and his policies as "progressive," while his detractors accused him of being a communist.
He adopted slogans like "Forward" and "Change." He wanted to transform America through what he called "fundamental change."
Who is this man?
If you answered "Barack Obama," you're only half right. The answer is Frank Marshall Davis, Hawaii mentor to Barack Obama, and Communist Party USA (CPUSA) member No. 47544.
And only now, four years into Obama's presidency, are we finally learning about this mystery man ignored or downplayed by sympathetic Obama biographers and journalists.

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