Monday, March 21, 2016

Given A Choice I'll Take The Army From 'Stripes'.

When I was a kid and watching movies at the Rialto Theater it was easy to tell the countries who were going to lose in a war. It's just as simple to come to the same conclusion today.

As an example, think about the German armies of WWII. The same goes for Mussolini's Fascists and the regimes of North Korea. What was the one main ingredient they had in common----aside from being destroyed in combat? It's the way their troops marched when in parades. The same went for preparation of combat. Good gosh, these guys were fatigued to the point death before they fired a shot.

These armies would march quick step with straight legs at a 90 degree angle from the pavement then slam their soles down onto the terrain. And they did it from Berlin to Paris. Ouch!

The parades look nice especially to guys like Idi Amin as he gazes upon his loser soldiers.  But can't you imagine the grunts whispering to one another on these 'Hell Marches', "How much longer is this s*it going to go on"?

Obama was in Cuba today and the vaunted Cuban Army had another parade march.  I guess they wanted to show off for Obama. These guys made the Nazi's look like paraplegics.

Personally, I liked the marching of Bill Murray and his motley crew in the film Stripes. It was relaxed and looked cool as they strode around the grounds with their caps on backward blasting out, "Here I am just a walkin' down the street singing doo wah diddy".

So, I found a nifty YouTube of Cubans from the army, navy, air force and whatever other groups the Banana Republic has put together.

It is very interesting and lasts up to four minutes. One goodie I know for certain. After watching not only will you need a nap but you have to hydrate for the next 12 hours.

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