Go ahead, call me a negative skeptic. Old age has it's privileges and for one who has lived through the
50's, 60', 70's, 80's--oh heck, all the way to the present I feel I have the right to laugh at what I think is ridiculous whenever I desire.y
In reading an article in the Quad-City Times yesterday I chocked on my first cup of java. There's a high school near the Iowa-Illinois line named Orion that has a competitive high school team in a league called Esports.
If I understand it correctly it has a competitive team. It, the team, is composed of players who compete with other high schools to win action games on the computer. Seriously, it's the rage.
Better yet, I read in the QC Times that St. Ambrose University in Davenport, Iowa also has a team and they are offering scholarships to bring in kids to fill out their squad. Don't believe me? Then go to DuckDuckGo and type in 'esports' The article also state withing ten years this 'sport' will be the rage in all Division I schools.
Naturally, being the jerk wad that I am I'm having visions of these teams sitting on front of computers for hours on end with the body frames of Fatty Arbuckle. As for their cheerleaders-----I don't even want to go there.
"Esports, Esports, sis, boom, bah! All in favor of big butts rah, rah, rah"
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