Saturday, April 14, 2018

What's Up With The NBC Nightly News

Often times I forget to switch my channel before Lester Holt's NBC Nightly News hits the air waves. Sometimes, I'll hang around for a few minutes to see what nonsense they're been spouting.

Lately, Holt(his writer's) has been on a rant regarding the police who gun down a citizen, always a Black citizen. He's playing to the choir with the MSM's typical agenda.

Yesterday a young police officer, thirty-two year old Sean Gannon, from Barnstable, Massachusetts was gunned down while serving a warrent. The murderer, Thomas Laftowich, has been charged with over 100 crimes.

There wasn't one word on the news. Laftowich didn't fit NBC's profile. He was white. It would have been the same had he been Black. Now, if the roles were reversed--------just sayin'.

We had the same scenario in Westerville, Ohio a few months ago. Two of our finest were also gunned down while serving a warrant but this time from a many times arrested Black man carrying an illegally bought hand gun.

I didn't see this on national television either. NBC must have been vacationing in the Bahamas.

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