Saturday, August 10, 2019

My Pooch Took Me to School But Paid The Price

Just Cairn Terriers 2019 Wall Calendar (Dog Breed Calendar)

If you read this blog you know we took in a rescue dog February 6 of this year. We thought he was around 4 years old but just found out he'll be six in January. His original name was Shorty but that's a name you give a person who hangs out in bars so the Queen changed it to Charlie. As the photo notes he's a Cairn Terrier. Cairn refers to rocks of northern Scotland. His ancestors went into the rocks and snagged rats.  I don't know if they ate them but they surely killed 'em dead.

Charlie would have fit nicely in the 1700's in my father-in laws homeland. He's quick like a bunny. I once saw him on the tail of a duck and he almost snagged her. He is, to say the least crafty, and last night he gave me a lesson in his skills.

Last evening Her Majesty and I went to a nifty little Italian restaurant called Pasqualie's. They've been around for years and the owner was buddies with The Rat Pack; Frank Sinatra, etc. I ordered the Supreme pizza for the both of us to share. As it was we couldn't devour the entire thing and brought home half of it. As I am want to do I snagged a piece to take to bed.

Charlie who should have been named Velcro because he's pretty much attached to me and followed me to bed. Hey, this guy has a nose for smell. He can pick up the scent of a half eaten hot dog from five miles away. Anyway, when I got upstairs I placed the pizza on a night stand about five feet from the bed then went downstairs to do some such thing.

When I got back the Za was gone. The little scamp had jumped on the bed, jumped the five feet to the table and devoured the morsel. I didn't yell at him because dogs, like people, can get their feelings hurt and besides what good would it do? I also knew he was going to suffer.

That pizza was loaded with pepperoni, spicy sausage, a variety of cheeses and other spices. Within ten minutes he ran downstairs. I followed to watch him slurp all the water out of his dish. I put in more and in a short time it too was gone.

Normally, I let him sleep in my bed for an hour before he goes in his cage. I was more that concerned that his special treat would be coming out both ends. I wasn't wrong.

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