Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Sleeping Weather

If you live in the Columbus Ohio area you know the day time temperatures have been in the 90's the past few days with lows of 70 at night.

A person can always count on the government to come up with stupid ideas. There's a department, I don't know which one, because the government depends on people not to call them out------except that I am.

The one I'm referring to gives recommendations on how to save energy in your home. It's recommendation is your thermostat be set at 78 during the day. During the night it should be set at 82. Are they nuts or what? If I set my stat at 82 I'd never fall asleep and if I thrashed about all night I'd be a puddle of goo come sunlight. Did anyone wet the bed as a kid? Well, I did and it'd bring back all those horrid memories.

Wouldn't you enjoy having a conversation with the folks who came up with this boondoggle? And I'm thinking they make over 100K yearly.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. As Henry Ford said, "If you trust the government to make your life better just look what they did for the American Indian."

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