Friday, August 21, 2020

Kamala Harris Is The Most Anti-Catholic Bigot In History


By Newt Gingrich

US Sen. Kamala Harris is the most openly anti-Catholic bigot to be on a national ticket in modern times.

Her record is perfectly clear. She is openly anti-Catholic in confirming federal judges, wanting to prosecute the Little Sisters of the Poor, closing Catholic Hospitals who don’t join her union allies, and favoring tax paid abortion up until birth (in fact, she has twice voted against bills that would ensure that babies who lived through abortion procedures got medical care).

In many ways, Harris’s bigotry against Catholics is a perfect example of the modern radical left’s ideology of” intolerant tolerance” that I outline in my latest best-selling book Trump and the American Future.

The most explicit example of Sen. Harris’s anti-Catholic bigotry was her treatment of now-US District Court Judge Brian Buescher during his confirmation hearings. Specifically, she questioned Buescher’s membership in the Knights of Columbus – a faith-based charitable organization which feeds the poor, assists in disaster relief around the globe, provides scholarships for struggling students, helps refugees fleeing violence and persecution, and a host of other philanthropic efforts.

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