Tuesday, September 22, 2020

What Would You Say On Your Death Bed?

  No one likes thinking about their demise even though it has to happen to all of us. As I've progressed in life I think about my death, however, it's not as scary a thought as it was when I was young. I suppose it's because we older folks are tired of dealing with so many body ailments.

When I pass on it'd be best it it happened while in a deep sleep. I really don't want family hanging around the bed say, "Hasn't he kicked yet. I've a golf match this afternoon."

Actually, I've told the Queen that when I die I don't want it to be announced until after I've been plotted. I don't want my children told and especially any friends or acquaintances. The should be thankful. Look at all the time and money I'll be saving them. What I want is to be taken from the funeral home to the church for a farewell Mass and adios to me.

So, there's been given much attention to Ruth Bader Ginsburgs last words before she died. These 'words' were passed onto us by the usual supects: Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.

According to them her last words were, "I do not wish to be replaced until a new president is installed."

I'm a skeptic. I'm having trouble believing this. Her she was, in bed and dying of cancer, surrounded by family. Wouldn't she reminisce about life; tell her family how much she loved them? Or, would she mention an item about the Supreme Court and who her successor would be?

I looked up famous last words of hollywood types, athletes, politicians and inventors. Not a single one mentioned their careers and legacies.

You be the judge but I believe Schumer et. al. might have fibbed on this one.

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