Saturday, September 19, 2020

"Yes, Kamala Did Say This"

 As is the usual routine with me I watch The Five weekdays on Fox. If you've never seen it give it a look see. There are four conservatives and one liberal. Juan Williams is now the liberal of choice and yesterday he made a statement that I figured Greg Gutfield or Jesse Waters would pounce on but they didn't.

Why do I have to do all their work? Anyway, Juan made this statement: "You cannot find a Democrat who has not called out the demonstrations." I about choked on my cashews. 

Juan contines to state that all the protests are non-violent. 

Kamala Harris immediately came to mind when Williams made this mindless statement and I'm taking a direct quote from her:

"A clip of Democratic vice presidential nominee Sen. Kamala Harris on an episode of "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" in June has resurfaced online.

Its title on YouTube claims: "Kamala Harris wants the riots to continue and not let up, not now not even after the election."

"Kamala Harris says that riots are not going to stop, ever, and to BEWARE. With a smile on her face," they read.

If you think I'm making this up or have gone to a source like The Daily Caller it comes from USA Today, not exactly a conservative supporter.

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