Friday, January 22, 2021

I'm Crushed

 I've had three heroes in my life. One is my former boss in my last job. He offered me the opportunites to succeed. The second was my paternal grandfather. He was magnificent role model.

The last was Hank Aaron, the star baseball player for the Braves. I tried to emulate him as much as possible when playing. In 1957 at County Stadium in Milwaukee at the age of 11 I shook his hand. Tears of joy welled in my eyes. I remember when he hit the home run to break Babe Ruth's home run record. I recall it vividly. Her Majesty and I were watching from our home in Ottumwa, Iowa.

Henry Aaron passed away this morning at the age of 86. The announcement flooded my mind with boyhood memories; good memories. 

My heroes are all passing on. Henry Aaron, for me, was one of the best of the best.

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