Friday, January 22, 2021

It's Why They Call Him Richard Head

 National Guard troops were forced to evacuate the Capitol building grounds on Thursday and hang out in parking garages, all 5,000 of them, when one congressmancomplained about one National Guard member not wearing a mask at a cafe in the building. This became their sleeping quartars along with one port-a-pottie. The soldiers were forced to sleep on the concrete floor. 

According to a source, Rep. Will Keating (D-MA) reported to the Capitol building authorities earlier in the day that a National Guardsman was seen in a Dunkin Donuts without a mask on.

After Keating commented out loud that masks were required to be worn at all times in a federal building, the National Guard member responded, “I appreciate my freedom,” according to the source.

Send the dude a letter and tell him to put it where the sun don't shine.

You might be interested in knowing Donald Trump has opened up the Trump Towers in D.C. to the soldiers. 

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