Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Buffett & Gates

Once again, a democrat came out against tax cuts for the rich. This time it is Sen. Mark Udall(D-umb, Colorado). Quoting the senator, " most of the wealthy want to pay higher taxes,citing Warren Buffet and Bill Gates" Well, whoop-dee-do. Buffett and Gates have so much off shore protected money a Saudi Arabian sheik could never spend it. Someone please tell me, aside from the above mention mega-billionaires, who is touting that higher taxes be paid. You've heard this before. If they want to pay higher taxes go ahead and do it. Nothing's hold them back.
As an aside, I wonder how gifts to charities will tail off if the 'rich' are required to pay more. Maybe nothing because we all know the Liberals, for the most part, don't give to charity.

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