Monday, December 20, 2010

On Turning 65

The big 6-5 looms ahead of me in a few short weeks. Personally, I could care less. There are a lot of advantages to being 65. I get a feeling of superiority, and deservedly so, when asking for help; "Hey, young man" I say. That evokes pity on this old-timer. I can flirt incessantly with young women(under 50) without being perceived as a threat. Actually, the list could be endless if I put my mind to it.
I received a phone call from my pill provider this morning asking me all kinds of questions about that part of Medicare which actually isn't a part of it; what plan I was on and such. Last week I finalized my medical plan with my agent. I went for Plan G. If there had been a Plan Z I probably would have opted for that one. You see, I'm a dull knife when it comes to insurance policies; always have been, always will be. They bore me. Thank the Lord for Lizzie. She understands this stuff and tries her best to explain it to me. "Yawn". My agent did the same. And my reaction was: "Yawn, okay, what ever you say".
This got me to thinking about the general population turning 65. There have to be millions of folks who have gone before me who were clueless. I mean, people who can't read or write. Guys and gals who don't have a GED in anything. People who have been without Medicare because they'd never heard of it. You know, the ones who go to the emergency room at the hospital to cure a headache.
Am I so stupid I need things explained to me the way some President reads a book to second graders? Yes, I am. Ignorance may be bliss but I'm thinking millions and millions and billions of dollars are going down the tubes because folks entering the "check-out generation" have no idea of what to expect in the way of bennies. Or, "yawn", don't care.
Turning 65 is-------------------------now what was I writing about? Oh well, never mind.

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