Sunday, June 17, 2012

Michelle Malkin: "I Am Just A Blogger".

Even though he's a big time liberal I've always found Juan Williams of Fox News a likeable fellow----until now! A few days ago on the Hannity Show Williams referred to Malkin as 'just a blogger' while he was a real journalist. What an unmitigated sap! Malkin's response was a slapdown to Williams and deservedly so and was done in a speech at a conservative convention.

A few quotes from the speech include:
“Journalism is not something you are, it’s something you do.
“There are real reporters who won‘t even say the name ’Brett Kimberlin’ out of fear…The kind of harassment that I’ve gone through over the past twenty years pales in comparison to what these individuals bloggers [have gone through]…and we owe them so much for standing up, for telling the truth. Thank them, get their backs.”
“A lot of progressives…always ask me, ‘Why are you so mad?’ Why the hell shouldn’t I be mad? You’re trying to flush our country down the toilet! I‘m not going to tell you that you’re a nice person. And I think we need more people in Washington…not to concede that these people are ‘nice’ people.”
“Once you un-mask the Occupy movement, the next step is taking the future generation of wealth-creators and job-creators in this country and immunizing them against the progressive virus. So we can‘t wait until they’re in college…”
“We fight for our freedom, for our faith, and for our families, and that’s what distinguishes us from these miserable enemies…You know, if I had to be the crusader and a cheerleader for a culture of dependency and entitlement, and coercion, and a massive welfare state that crushed religious liberty, and individual liberty, and the free market, and innovation– I’d be pretty darn miserable, too.”

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