Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Under ObamaCare Don't Get Sick While On Vacation

Well, isn't this just dandy. Investors Business Daily has discovered this little gem about needing medical services if you happen to be away from home. In a nutshell, you won't get any help because you will be out of your local network. Don't get overly nervous, though. Let's say you're in a car accident, a horrible one, and there are massive injuries. Then you will be eligible for aid. But, I'm wondering if my abscessed tooth  that laid me up while in Minnesota in 2002 would be covered. Probably not. Every day there's a revolutionary catastrophe about to erupt.

You can read a couple of blurbs from IBD then take a gander at the entire article. Ain't life grand?
Paul warns this will have "a profound impact on the real-estate market, particularly the second home sector.
A prominent New York insurance broker pointed out that most of the policies offered on the ObamaCare exchanges are not national networks, so "if you need routine medical services, they will not be covered when you leave your local area," as they were before.
Travel health insurance, unfortunately, only covers emergencies. So, the broker told Paul, "a large portion of the population will have their insurance as a consideration for their mobility, which they never had before."

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