Thursday, March 6, 2014

Another Week-End Getaway


Everyone! Cut King Barack I some slack. It's been a trying time corralling the despots from North Korea, Syria, Russia, China and every other tin horn country in the Middle East. Barry needs a quick getaway to Key Largo. I'm not sure if the 'Ol Hag is going with him or not. Doesn't make any difference because he'll be on the golf course spending our hard earned cash.
There are others going, too. Can you say an entourage of hundreds with 57 Secret Service agents?
It's not wrong to hate if you hate evil.

Not to be outdone "Jumpin' Joe" Biden and his wife, Jill will also be enjoying a vacation:
"The White House announced that Vice President Joe Biden would spend the weekend vacationing in the U.S. Virgin Islands". It's his second vacation there in three months.
His White House schedule reads:
The Vice President and Dr. Jill Biden will visit the U.S. Virgin Islands. There are no public events scheduled.

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