Friday, March 7, 2014

Where In God's Name Are We Going

Thank the Lord the week-end is here. News of the bizarre has been dominating the news for the past week and I'm about ready to have a brain explosion. Listed are a few tidbits that only illustrate how our society is in the tank.
In Massachusetts, a federal judge ruled it was A-Okay to place a camera below a woman's privates and take a picture. Did you get that? Let's say my wife(I don't have time to explain)and I are on an escalator going up and a fella behind us has a camera and shoots a photo of her private parts. The court says I can't do anything about it. If I hammered this guy I could go to jail and be sued.
A snot nosed eighteen year old is suing her parent's because they won't fork over $80,000 for her college tuition because she refused to follow their house rules in which she lived. Now we find out the lawyer representing her is the father of another spoiled brat. It has been revealed that when the snot nose was fifteen the lawyer threw alcohol parties for his daughter and the spoiled brat got puking drunk. I sort of doubt this was the one and only 'puke party' the guy threw. I think I see a lawsuit here. You might want to read the attachment to read what the little sweetheart texted to her mom.
Did you know that when the Great Society of LBJ was instituted in 60's the percentage of unwed mothers in this country was at 6%. Today it's 41%. That's 41% of the population sucking our coffers dry due to welfare not to mention the inability to properly raise and nurture these kids in a family home. I always find it interesting that the brain dead Left make heroines of single mother's; like having a brood of kids without a dad is reason for sainthood. It works both ways. Ladies, learn to keep your legs closed. If it happens once make sure it's a one and only. I'm paying for your irresponsibility.
Have you ever heard of Snooki? A few years ago she was on a reality show called "Jersey Shore". It was for dimwits aka the brain dead. Well, Rutgers University gave her $32,000 to speak at the school. The speech was sponsored by one of the entertainment groups sanctioned by Rutgers. Have you ever heard of Comdoleeza Rice? Of course you have unless you're still brain dead. Among other things she was the Chancellor of Stanford University and our Secretary of State. That doesn't mean much too liberals in that she's an educated black woman because they consider her a male Uncle Tom. At any rate, the egghead faculty at Rutgers took a vote to rescind the speaking engagement of Ms. Rice because she was in the Bush Administration---weapons of mass destruction and all that jazz. Somehow these uppity book readers seem to forget that in the 90's the Clinton's were all touting the WMD's, too. Know what? I know a slew of egghead professors and most of them couldn't put air in a flat tire but all of a sudden they're the conscience of America. I've got another thing to say about college professors: 89% of them have halitosis.
The Russians are creating havoc in eastern Europe and Obama has a music fest in the White House and, in addition, he doesn't know how to spell R-E-S-P-E-C-T.
Christians in the Middle East are being slaughtered unmercifully by Islamists on a daily basis and our government doesn't make a comment. Hundreds and hundreds of men, women and children die daily and nothing comes from the White House. Why, one would almost think Obama is sympathetic to Muslims. "MJ, say it isn't so".
Maybe our Fore Fathers screwed up by not making church attendance mandatory. If people had to sit in a church for an hour once a week and ponder the Ten Commandments it's possible our society wouldn't be without a conscience. For LoFo voters the Ten Commandments are a list of rules given by God to Moses a couple thousand years ago. They say we're not supposed to steal from others, kill others and get divorces because a person wants to bed a hot looking chick when their wife has put on a few pounds. And, if the snot nose eighteen year old had had the old 'Honor Thy Father an Thy Mother' in her life that circus might never had occurred.
Enjoy your week-end. I'm off to babysit my grandchildren.

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