Friday, August 7, 2020

Because They Hate The United States Of America

 The next story bothers me no end. I love American history. One of my favorite places to visit was to old Boston and see what occurred during the Revolution. The Civil War sites are always a thrill. The Queen and I have been to Gettysburg four times and never tire of its beauty.

Andersonville, the notorious prison camp in Georgia was a special thrill. Actually, the northern prisoners from New York wreacked more havoc than did the Confederate soldiers guarding them. We've been to Fredicksbugrg and Antietem. One of our last trips was to Chattanooga. That battle was one where legends were made.

Guess what our House of Representatives did today; the House that is controlled by Democrats? 

The Licensed Battlefield Guides at Gettysburg are raising the alarm over a recent vote in the U.S. House of Representatives that would remove Civil War monuments from federal parks nationwide.

According to Fowler, the legislation in question, HR-7608, would direct the National Park Service to remove all Confederate monuments, memorials, placards and statues at Gettysburg, Vicksburg, Antietam, Chickamauga, Manassas, Petersburg, Fredericksburg and 18 other battlefields and historic sites within six months.

One can only imagine what will happen if the Democrats take over the Senate and presidency in the next go round.

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