Saturday, August 15, 2020

Copping A Feel


Here he is, copping a feel of a visibly-uncomfortable 13-year-old pizza*, oops, I mean daughter, Maggie, of newly sworn-in Senator Christopher Coons (D-Delaware) in January 2015:

Senator Coon’s 13-year-old daughter, Maggie, initially stood third from the left, but her mother beckons her to move to the center.

As the girl walks to the center, Biden reaches out with his left hand, grabs the girl’s arm, pulls her to him, and quickly “cops a feel” by putting his hand on her torso. It was at this time Joe said, "I'm horny." I've seen the video before and heard the words but it has since been deleted. You'll have to trust me on this one.

* pizza- a name for an under age sex toy. You'll have to google Pizzagate and why Obama ordered $65,000 in pizza and ice cream to be delivered to the White House in 2009.

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