Sunday, August 16, 2020

What You Should Know About Shadowgate

 Lately, I've been accused by some of being a conspiracy theorist. I take that as a badge of hone. As an example, I have a granddaughter who is entering the 10th grade at a public high school in Olathe, Kansas.

She's intelligent, an expert in the subject of statistics(as a 9th grader she scored higher than 95% of seniors). She's an artist. She painted the most beautif lake, field forest picture on a piece of paper the size of a playing card.

As she enters into her sophomore year I took the liberty of texting her a message dealing especially with social studies instructors. I requested when said teachers tell her something she should 'Question Everything'.

Don't take what they say as gospel. Research it. Let your mind wander. She promised she would.

I've become privy to a number of You Tube videos from a talented woman named Millie Weaver. She's a reporter for InfoWars. 

Ms. Weaver produced a video titled 'Shadowgate. It details the attempted world-wide takeover of our government and the elimination of Donald Trump by any means necessary. 

Weaver was jailed along with her husband last Friday morning without an arrest warrant for the video. The arrest came immediately following her release of Shadowgate which detailed the corruption in goverment and how the takedown of Trump will occur.

I've included a number of Shadowgate videos. Some are lengthy(one hour and twenty minutes) and some not so.

I strnogly encourage my readers to forward these videos to all patriots who love their country.

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