Wednesday, September 16, 2020

I Thought It Would Have Been More

 We're being told the total cost of damage done to buildings, etc. since the nonsense in Minneapolis began is at two billion dollars and counting according to the far left site, Axious. I thought it would have been much higher. This is the highest number for the insurance industry to cover in history which means our insurance premiums will sky rocket.

To put this number in front of the common man there have been 570 violent protests in 220 locations.

Unless folks are affected by the number of riots they don't think much about them. It's sort of like sitting around the shooting the breeze with friends, listening to the tales of trragedy then when the conversation ends somebody will say, "Get me another beer, will ya'? And that's as far as it goes.

But I can understand this. From 1939-Dec. 6 of '41 most people didn't give war a thought when it came to the U.S. and our involvement. Eurpope was a long way from us geographically. Then on the 7th, suprisingly to those 140 million citizens it hit them square in the forehead.

Pass the ketchup please.

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