Friday, November 19, 2021

Putting Trust In Your Weather Gal

I don't know about you but I'll look at things like the above picture and it triggers another memory and another and another.

Charlie and I were going to Pet Smart to buy him a toy for our Thanksgiving trip to Kansas next week. On the way to the doggie shop we passed Safari golf course and I saw on the course swinging the club a cart with a guy in it and his sticks tied to the back. Then I glanced over a fairway or two and saw another guy, wearing a coat and stocking cap, walking with his clubs thrown over his shoulder and it hit me. It's 38 degrees F today. 

When I golfed I always had a weather rule for playing. When I was in my thirties I allowed myself to play when it was in the thirties. In my forties I wouldn't play when it was below the forties and so on and so on and so on until today when I'm 75 I don't get to play than often and when I do and the temps are in the eighties and above, well, it's too damned hot for me so I sit in an air conditioned room watching golf on television-----------as long as I have water close by in case I get thirsty.

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