Wednesday, May 25, 2022


 Reflection is a good thing. Obsessive reflection on one subject-------maybe not. But, we're all reflecting to one degree or another this morning. I have had multiple reflections. One of these regarded my high school days. I attended Boone, Iowa High School from 1961-64 where there were approximately 200 students in each class; grades 9-12.

Once every month of the school year the administration brought in a speaker to give an all-school talk. The speaker was a religious cleric from different churches in town. He spoke for an hour about Christianity in our lives. There were no student protests against these talks. We went to the auditorium and listened and then we left and went on with our lives. To be honest I cannot recall one piece of advice given by these men but still, we did as we were told and I don't recall too many mass shootings in those days. Oh, there have been mass shootings in our nations history but they began to pick up the pace in the late 1960's.

It seems to me, and I'm no expert on any subject, the Sixties were the ending and beginning of great societal change; some good and some not so. Is there even a slight correlation between the loss of school prayer and our problems of 2022? The last statement has to be a simplification, I'm sure because so many other factors are involved; divorce, women going to work, legalized abortions, Dr. Timothy Leary; and the list goes on and on and on.

Have you reflected this morning? Try it. As more intelligent people than I say, "It's good for the soul."

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