Wednesday, August 29, 2012

That No Good, Filthy Rich SOB

He's worth $200 million dollars. Now I'm beginning to understand why so many people don't trust or like him. He can't relate to the American people and has tried to, unsuccessfully, for a long time. He reluctantly gives interviews and when he does it appears he's untrustful. It's no wonder  the grasp of a presidency is seemingly out of his reach. You think I'm writing about Mitt Romney. I'm not. I present the most pompous ass of a man, John F. Kerry. One main difference between Romney and Kerry is that the current candidate for the presidency earned his money. He gave away his entire inheritance from his father to charity. John Kerry married a very rich woman who made Kerry a wealthy man. Then he dumped her for Teresa Heinz, the ketcham heiress. Kerry hasn't earned anything in his life except for the ability to dupe voters in the easiest state of all, Taxachusetts. I'm still waiting for the MSM to interview Kerry about his money. I can guarantee that we'll be subjected to the grilling of Romney on this subject for the next two months.

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