Friday, July 17, 2020

Democrats Might Have A Heart Attack

What if, and that's a big if, there was a vaccine developed before the election. Believe it or not it's a possibility based on recent tests. You do know what this means. The Dems are going to have to come up with a Stormy Daniels story.

I can always trust Glen Beaton to write brilliance:

First, the great news. A company named Moderna has released data on further clinical trials of its promising vaccine. The results were published after peer review in the most prestigious medical journal in the history of the world, the New England Journal of Medicine.
There were 45 test volunteers. Every single one of the 45 developed a “robust” antibody response. There were “no serious adverse events” in any of the 45 patients.
That’s not to say there were no adverse effects at all. A significant number of patients developed side effects. But “side effects” were defined broadly to include such things as “pain at the site of the injection.”
The vaccine is entering Phase 3 clinical trials this month where it will be tested on up to 30,000 volunteers. If everything stays on track, it will be approved for widespread use this fall. Meanwhile, over 200 other vaccines are under consideration and at least 19 are in clinical testing.
Big Pharma is awful, isn’t it, except when you need a medicine to save the world.

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