Saturday, October 22, 2022

Snap Your Garters In Place

 Many years ago, 1979 to be exact, I was fortunate enough to make a friend who was the football coach at Buena Vista College in northwest Iowa. His name was John Naughton and he was what could be described as a bona fide character. 

One of his sayings dealt with handling tough times ahead. He'd say, "It's time to snap their garters in place" which is akin to others telling us to 'buckle up'. There's been one heck of a lot of time spent on the price of gas but what we're forgetting about is the cost of associated derivatives.

'We have a historically low supply of diesel fuel, which powers everything that allows us to eat, drink, and live our daily lives. Because of the diminished supply under Biden, we have surging prices, making the cost of hauling goods, farming, and everything else that requires diesel fuel (pretty much everything) higher than ever before, which will cause prices of everything we use and need to increase in the coming months significantly.'

Add to that a potentially hard, cold winter for many parts of the country, when heating oil demand will skyrocket, causing prices to soar once again over competition for what’s left in the tank'.

Folks, we have 25 days left before our diesel supply is caput.

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