Thursday, May 23, 2019

MJ Hawkeye Can Solve The Abortion Issue

My memory gets shorter with age but when Roe v Wade took effect I don't recall anti-abortionists going bonkers; boycotting states, staging protests, wearing aborted baby caps. There are literally hundreds of Hollywood C stars who are boycotting films made in Georgia.

There's a movie actress, Emily Ratajkowski, who took a nearly nude photo(areola and vaginal areas covered) to protest the elimination of abortion in Georgia. It should be noted Ms. Emily has done the same on two other occasions to support her liberal views.

These people should stop there flaming rhetoric. I have the answer to their woes. Why not in the next election have Republicans and the governors voted out of office? These people, the Alyssa Milano types, are wasting a ton of time and money to promote their ideas.

Elections are a wonderful thing. What a novel idea. The people get rid of the bad legislators and put in folks more attuned with their views. Whoda' thunk it?

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