Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Name The Last Republican President Not Hated By Leftists Democrats

It's interesting the vitriol Democrats have for anything Republican. I went back in my memory bank to come up with the last Republican president not hated by Democrats.Working backward it's The Donald. Before him George W. Bush. Remember how he was considered a bumbling idiot? He was a buffoon because he supposedly mangled words when he spoke. Trust me when I write he was a heck of a lot more intelligent than Al Gore.

Before GWB was his dad, George H. Bush. He didn't become popular with Democrats until he'd died.

Don't try and tell me Ronald Reagan was revered by the Left.

How about Richard Nixon. His crimes were nowhere near those of Barack H. Obama. Barry Goldwater, though not elected was subject to massive humiliation.

In my memory the only president in my lifetime to be given accolades was Dwight Eisenhower. It was post WWII and nobody beats down a war hero.

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