Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Conspiracy Theories And Other Stuff

The Queen and I don't agree on much except our religion and raising children. Oh, we've had our battles now and then but as usually the case it's 'who talks last wins'. The Queen always makes sure she gets on the last word.

If you read this column regularly you know I believe the Coronavirus thing is being shoved down our throats. If you go to the CDC website you will see that the virus could be no worse than the common cold.

 I've been reading and watching YouTubes on something called Agenda 2030. A group of 171 nations gathered during the Obama administration to plan a One World Government. Obama, I'm certain would like to be the leader. Anyway, one of the ways to achieve this One World Order was to create a pandemic. When Trump came along he threw a wrench in the works so a full scale effort was made of the pandemic to blame him.

Another YouTube you might want to see is called, Out Of The Shadows Documentary. It shows how the government controls our live. at the 52 minute mark is a segment on John Podesta and his penchant for young children. The scandal was called Pizzagate. The lady journalist who exposed this story was a journalism graduate from the Univ of Iowa.. She worked for Townhall which to the Left would make her a numbskull. Anyway. She has photos of Podesta's apartment showing despicable pictures of children in a variety of positions.

Some of you scoff at the term, 'conspiracy theory'. I don't. The CIA came up with this term immediately after the JFK assassination to thwart the idea that others, aside from Oswald, were involved in the shooting.

There are too many actions being taken by our government to skip over. Bet you didn't know this. In the 1950's the CIA bought land for Walt Disney in Florida to build that Disneyland. I wonder why. I'll bet you can come up with a theory if you look long and hard enough

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