Tuesday, July 7, 2020

The List Of Name Changes Is Endless

There was a good story in today's powerline.com about cities changing their names due to pc. The story focused on Columbus, Ohio then spread like a plague of locusts.

And that is only the beginning: Columbia, South Carolina; Columbus, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Mexico, Texas and Wisconsin; Lincoln, Nebraska; Washington state; Virginia, named in honor of the imperialist Queen Elizabeth; both Carolinas, named after several Charleses, Charles IX of France and Charles I and Charles II of England, all of whom were hopelessly incorrect by contemporary standards; Jefferson, Missouri; the George Washington bridge; Madison, Wisconsin; Hamilton College; the list goes on forever. These are just a few samples. And, of course, the United States of America is named after Amerigo Vespucci, another explorer like Columbus who must equally be canceled because the discovery of the Americas was an unrelieved tragedy.
The list never ends! If we are going to erase all history that doesn’t live up to the elevated standards of Pajama Boy, that hero of world history, let’s be consistent. In the liberals’ brave new world, only place names taken from the Indians, like Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin and the Dakotas, will be permitted. But wait, no! Those are all cultural appropriations!
My wife and I used to live in Storm Lake, Iowa a once idyllic community of 10,000. As I recall most of the north/south streets have Indian names; Cuyuga, Seneca. I can hardly wait to read the article about how SL is going to join the 21st C of morons.

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