Thursday, June 24, 2021

From The Brain Addled Mind Of A Curmudgeon

 There's only one reason for the title to this post. Humility is a wonderful thing. 

Charlie and I went to the dog park this morning and then to Costco. These are good places to contemplate and see life unravel before one's own eyes.

I'm amazed that my little Toto has the desire(or stupidity) to try and hump Great Danes but he did.

My question to you is, where does the Brittany Spears court case rank on your I don't give a shit schedule?

Here's a question for you old-timers. How many of the original cast members of the Andy of Mayberry Show are still alive?

Did you know that bats serve a good purpose. They eat seeds then defecate them to make plants grow. And they rarely bite adults. But kids under 10-----that's a whole different story.

I was going to get vaccinated tomorrow then thought, "Do I really want my heart to explode."

In the U.S. last year 40% of the guns were purchased by women. 50% were bought by Blacks.

Broasted chickens at Costco go for $4.99. They're so loaded with steroids they look like ostriches. 

Pet peeve number 2 was in full bloom today. A lady in the Costco lot got in her car then pulled out her iPhone. I hate when this happens.

Pet peeve number 485. I cringe it when the Queen corrects me before I screw up. Please wait until it happens then go bonkers.

Did you read about the NFL player who came out as gay. If I was gay I'd cheer from the rafters as all of those, and lefties, did. Unfortunately, the guy isn't a hero after only one day. He also said he was a Trump supporter. There goes that book deal.

Being from little ol' Boone, Iowa I didn't know many gay folks. I didn't know any in college and for the next 52 years have never met one. I don't care if a person is of a different sexual orientation. And now for this: There has never been discovered a gene for homosexuality. 

When I was age 44 I was convinced I'd make the PGA Senior Tour. At 75 I still harbor hopes-------of being able to get out of bed in the morning without a walker.

My Class of '64 is having a reunion this summer because we turned 75. I won't go. Who wants to meet people and say, "What the hell happened to you?"

I've given up on relocating to the Midwest. Moving is tough. I have difficulty packing a suitcase.

Brandeis University jumped into the woke nation yesterday. They banned the words and phrases shown.

For instance, the word 'picnic' is now a no-go. Even though it, picnic, originated in France Brandeis says the reason it's bad is because during lynchings people took picnic baskets to watch. I'd never heard this one before.  

Her Majesty and I attended a AAA baseball game last evening. Of the 18 players playing three were White. There was a mix of Blacks and Hispanics from as far away as Venezuela. The crowd, 99% White, cheered wildly for the home team. I would be willing to wage one months social security check that if the Columbus Clippers were made up of 25 just of the boat Watusi's the crowd would still claim then as their own.

And from Minneapolis, the world's most premature baby celebrated his first birthday this week. Little Richard Hutchinson was born at 21 weeks and weighed 11 oz. He is healthy and without mental defect.

The Sec. of Defense and the heads of the Navy and Army are mandating that all those under their command be required to read the Communist Manifesto and a prescribed CRT book written by a Black communist, Ibram Kendi. Russia, China and Iran were seen on TV laughing their asses off.

All Major League Baseball teams are openly celebrating Pride Month. As a side note television viewership is down 49%. There must be a reason for this but since I'm an out of the loop grandpa I'm clueless.

The richest country in the world with the most educational resources ranks 25th in the world in high school math scores. However, we are #1 in 'The best reasons to hate Whites'.

Gotta run. Charlie's going insane. It's fifteen minutes past treat time.

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