Monday, June 28, 2021

Pa Kettle Lives

 When I was a kid I loved going to the movies and watching the adventures of Ma and Pa Kettle. Ma, Marjorie Main in real life, was the worker in the family who kept the farm going. Pa, Percy Kilbride, could be found sitting on the front porch in is rocking chair all day long. 

Every once in awhile Ma would say, "Pa, what did you get done today?" And Pa would answer, "Not much, Ma, but I'll giver 'er heck tomorrow."

This is sort of the way it is today in America's workforce. The Wall Street Journal ran a story this morning on jobs in this country, focusing on 19 Blue states. 

There are 9.3 million able-bodied people who don't work because the government is paying them not to. In the Blue states a husband and wife can take home $100,000 a year because of the government programs issued by the Democrats.

The country is suffering due to the lack of truckers who are staying home while their bank accounts grow. In essence, the goods aren't getting to market. Specifically, gas and food products.

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