Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Proof: IRS Targeted Conservative Groups

 - The Washington Times - Updated: 8:24 p.m. on Wednesday, October 25, 2017
IRS executive Lois G. Lerner approved the practice of sending letters demanding information such as names of donors, according to newly discovered documents. (Associated Press/File)
Lawyers think they have finally found the smoking gun in the IRS’s tea party targeting scandal: an email from an IRSagent to her supervisors alerting them that the agency was, in fact, singling out some groups’ applications for extreme scrutiny “primarily because of their political party affiliation.”
The email was released last month as part of a massive document dump in a class-action lawsuit filed in Ohio by hundreds of conservative groups who were targeted for extra review and intrusive questioning.

It contradicts the IRS’s official stance over the years contending that conservative groups were wrongly scrutinized, but it was a result of their behavior, not their politics.
Does anyone remember when O'Reilly asked Obama if there was any truth to the IRS going after conservative groups. And the liars answer was, "Not a smidgen".

The Liar-in-Chief then went on to blame the snafu on a glitch in the St. Louis IRS department. Sort of reminds one of Benghazi.

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