Friday, March 15, 2019

Pelosi: "Raise Voting Age To 16"

Nancy Pelosi is the latest to come out in favor of the 16 year old vote. To be more precise she said, "We need to capture them at age 16". I remember when the minimum age was 21. But when boys started dying in Viet Nam we lowered it. It's difficult to argue with the reasoning: If one could die for their country at 18 they should be able to vote. It covered females under 21, also. Hmmm!

Even so, the Democrats will have a difficult time getting kids to the polls if a new bill becomes law. All one has to do is look at the 18-21 year old vote today. About 30% of those kiddies go to the polls on election day.

I'll offer a suggestion to the Left on how to induce kids between 16 and 18 to vote. Offer them Tide Pods. It's a winner.

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