Saturday, June 19, 2021

Happy Independence Day

 Surely you didn't think I'd let today go by without some kind of commentary. After all June 19 is now this nations independence day. Yes, it's official by way of Joe Biden's signature. Blacks all across the country now have a federal holiday to add to February which has for some time been dedicated to Blacks and their achievements.

Federal workers will receive a paid holiday for doing nothing which is sort of silly because that's what they do on a daily basis. Corporations and local business will be asked to close down to celebrate otherwise my best guess is if they don't it'll be a cause celeb' to protest, burn and cancel.

If Blacks want to have a day good for them. What the real story is and call me a skeptic I sorta doubt most Blacks understand the history of the day. Joe didn't. Last week he said the reason for the day is because of the Tulsa riots of 1917. But that's Joe. In truth it dates back to when the slaves were freed in Texas post Civil War.

For anyone interested The Gateway Pundit published a story on Black freedom and laws passed to give them equal rights. Let it be known that since the time of the Emancipation Proclamation signed by a Republican it has been the Republican Party that is most responsible for laws aiding our Black friends. 

I've never understood how Democrats can take any credit for laws and actions benefiting Blacks. They've done everything in their power to 'keep the man down' yet whenever voting time comes around you can always count on some donkey guy saying things like, "If you don't vote Democrat you ain't Black" or words to that effect.

Democrats over the years have done everything in their power to keep post Civil War Blacks sub level beginning with the inception of then Ku Klux Klan.

If it wasn't for Republicans Blacks would still be picking cotton and shining shoes and calling Whitey Massah.

Read this article. Pass it onto your friends. Maybe some who don't understand will.

Then, for the real students of history read about how Juneteenth came to be.

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