Friday, June 4, 2021

The Day "Boogie" Bit The Bullet

It's the same s*it, different day story in Minneapolis this morning. Winston "Boogie" Smith was stopped by the Minneapolis police last night for carrying a gun. He's a felon don't ya' know. Life for "Boogie" would have been better for him this morning had he not pulled the gun on the police. Can you say dead?

Target headquarters became the focus of rioting, looting and burning along with local CVS type stores. I would imagine it was done in honor of George Floyd. A television reporter interviewed one of the thugs. His response was, "I can't remember the perps name." 

"Boogie" had previously earned a reputation as sort of a rebel. In Facebook posts he had written: “We got guns and bullet proof vest too or should be able to get em… why not just rush these f–ks and start this war they keep asking for!” 

“F–k justice anyway b—h justice is an eye for eye u kill one of mine we need one of yours that’s justice! Right or wrong f–k being right cuz they keep doing us wrong.

Mr. Smith's rap sheet was minimal compared to others of his ilk. Twenty arrests or warrants isn't all that bad.

A word for other wannabe bad guys. Whatever you do NEVER pull out a gun and shoot and the authorities.

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