Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Thought You'd Like To Know

 Unaccompanied minors coming across the southern border have become a ho-hum in this country. Think about this. In April 17,000 parentless children came into this country. Read it again--17,000 kids ranging in age from 5 to 16. 

Would you care to guess who is in charge of the border. There's an answer and I know what it is. Can you say Mexican drug cartels?

In the first week of the current administration a certain president placed a certain vice-president in charge of the border. This vice-president has punted on her duties. Instead she's decided to find the root causes of this mass migration and her conclusions to solving the problems are: (1) have American businesses move to Central America in order to provide jobs to keep the people home; (2) pass more LGBTQ laws to protect the migrants; (3) pass more global warming legislation. The last two reasons given are her priorities.

What the hell will it take for people to wake up?

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