It's good that some of us who are white don't identify as domestic terrorists otherwise we might have the FBI on our doorsteps. Hold on for a minute. I hear someone smashing down my door.
The guy who is in the Oval Office said two days ago the American people should be on the lookout for family and friends who they might suspect of being these domestic terrorists. Joe's solution was to turn them in. My oh my, what could go wrong?
I know there are people out there in this great land who would like nothing better than to see me being frog marched to the hoosegow. It could be I beat them at golf for the club tournament and their ire is such that they can't sleep at night. Or maybe a woman is jealous of another woman going after her guy and she calls the number for our FBI. The list of examples is endless.
A guy who got is start in life turning in suspected terrorists(those against the state) was a fella named George Soros when he was a lad during WWII. He's responsible for sending many Jews to the camps.
Joey B. wants to bring us together but the opposite is true. When people have to look over their shoulder after saying something, "Our government sucks big time" then we're all in trouble.
We all know the real domestic terrorists and they weren't harassed of sent to prison. They caused billions of dollars in damage in the past year to American institutions. Jerald Nadler, the fat slob of a congressman said they were only a myth. Biden called them an idea. In all honesty as they were referring to Antifa and BLM I sort of doubt they were an idea.
So, if Joe's plan for snitching on our neighbors is such a good idea what real be the result?
It's my opinion only but if this hate against the people continues much longer I can very easily see a civil war brewing and it won't be pretty. What was that guy's name a few years back who banned free speech, burned books he didn't like and took guns away from the people? Oh yeah, now I remember. It was Adolf Hitler.
I'll nark on a number of people as domestic terrorists; Schiff, Pelosi, Swalwell, Schumer, Kamala and that's only the tip of the iceberg.
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